Walker House
N. Delta, Annieville
- Featured
- Pre-Sales
- 0 - 2 BED
- Apartment/Condo
- Address: 9365 120 Street, Delta, BC
- Bed: 0 - 2
- Number of Floor: 29
- Number of Unit: 264
- Developer: BMG Real Estate
- Architect: Focus Architecture , Focus and rennie
- Year Built: Est. Compl. 2026
- Building Name: Walker House
- Building Designer: Area 3 Design
*** 20% Deposit, Own Your Home ***
Walker House is a new presale condo development by BMG Real Estate currently in preconstruction in Delta, BC. The development is scheduled for completion in 2026 and has a total of 264 units.
Walker House is perfectly positioned within a lively destination, neatly tucked along 120th Street and Scott Road; a short drive to the Scott Road and King George SkyTrain stations, retail, groceries, and more. Soaring 29-storeys above North Delta’s skyline, BM Group’s stunning new mixed-use concrete tower, Walker House, will rise as the tallest building in North Delta. Walker House will offer unobstructed sweeping vistas of the Fraser River, mountains and urban landscape.
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